Meditation and Qigong — OnLine Classes

​Even after just 2 classes, your class has become a beacon of calm in my life. Thank you!!!!!
— Dr. Jane Tornatore, Therapist & Speaker, Seattle, WA

FALL 2024


Self-Healing Qigong & Meditation
7-week class series, starting October 31st; sign up by October 29th
10:00-10:45 a.m. Pacific, via Zoom

If you are unable to pre-register by paying via the PayPal “Sign Up” button, please contact me for other options.

Online on a day and at a time that works for both of us.

These can be as short as 10 minutes.
Starting at $10 for 10 minutes

The first time I’ve smiled in 2 weeks.
— Geoff, Seattle, WA
I can’t thank you enough for putting together this class. It is a HUGE gift.
— Allegra

Thank you so so much for these offerings. They are saving my life - along with Gentle Yoga from SYA.
— Linda



And for access to Practice videos and other goodies…