The Multi-Orgasmic Diet Press Kit

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You may download the press release here.

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Media Queries, Event/Booking Information, Review Copy Requests, and Other Questions
Rebecca Clio Gould

Book Info

TITLE: The Multi-Orgasmic Diet: Embrace Your Sexual Energy and Awaken Your Senses for a Healthier, Happier, Sexier You
AUTHOR: Rebecca Clio Gould
PUBLISHER: Elemental Harmony Press
DATE OF PUBLICATION: November 1, 2016
RETAIL PRICE: $16.95 US (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-0-9976645-0-8
PAGES: 244
eBook ISBN: 978-0-9976645-4-6


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Author Bio

Long Version
Rebecca Clio Gould, CHHP, author of The Multi-Orgasmic Diet, is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Women’s Health and Empowerment Coach specializing in spirituality and sexuality. Rebecca graduated from the Heartwood Institute as a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She is also a certified Qigong and Meditation Teacher, and Sexual Awakening for Women Facilitator.

Rebecca’s mission is to help women step into their power and joy by opening their hearts and by breaking free from the illusory, self-imposed, and society-induced limitations that have been keeping them from blossoming into their full potential. She teaches that it’s time for liberation, to truly enjoy and live life—emotionally, physically and sexually—to the fullest. Rebecca is a “possibility realist,” known for her effective techniques, infectious laugh, her grounded spirituality, playful spirit, and calm demeanor.

After years of traveling and moving around, Rebecca ultimately decided that where she is from is the best place to be--Seattle, Washington. And when she is not writing or working, Rebecca can be found out in nature, on the dance floor—or just enjoying some down time, relaxing at home or trying not to kill her plants (a.k.a. learning how to garden). She also enjoys painting, singing in her car, and spending quality time with her family and friends.

Short version
Rebecca Clio Gould is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Qigong and Meditation Teacher, Sexual Awakening for Women Facilitator, and Author of The Multi-Orgasmic Diet. She’s on a mission to help women live healthier lives, step into their power, love themselves more, experience more joy, and live life to the fullest--emotionally, physically, and sexually. Rebecca is a graduate of the Heartwood Institute and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She has been running her own business, Elemental Harmony, PLLC since 2007 and lives in Seattle, Washington.


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How to Fully Experience an Orgasm in Urban Wellness Magazine

The Big O: How to Loosen Up to Let Go in Healing Lifestyles & Spas

3 Qi Gong Techniques for More Energy in OMTimes Magazine
3 Ways to Practice Mindfulness During Your Morning Commute 
5 Ways to Get Out of a Funk (coming soon)
What to Do When Your Energy's Been Zapped (coming soon)

Sometimes I Want to Disappear in Elephant Journal
5 Mantras of Empowerment to Say Daily (coming soon)
The Masturbation Diet:  A Pleasurable Approach to Cravings and Emotional Eating (coming soon)

5 Foods that Prevent Orgasm in
Too Busy for Yoga? 5 Ways to Weave Yoga into Your Daily Life (coming soon)
Raw Carob Pumpkin Seed Milk (coming soon)
Changing Your Relationship with Food (book excerpt) (coming soon)

Promotion Info

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  • When you post a review or promotion, please let us know so that we can add or link to your promotion from

  • If using a platform with hashtags, please use #themultiorgasmicdiet.

  • Please always be sure to use the word “multi-orgasmic” when referring to the The Multi-Orgasmic Diet as a book or to the Multi-Orgasmic Diet as a diet (or anti-diet). This will prevent confusion with another book called The Orgasmic Diet.

Interview Resources

Author Q&A
1. What inspired you to write this book?
The idea came to me seemingly out of the blue. I was thinking a bit about how to live more fully alive, how to feel more sexually vibrant even without a partner, and how to stop emotional eating habits, because these were some of my own struggles as well as the struggles of women who were coming to me for help. But I wasn’t trying to think of a book, a diet plan, or any sort of program. Nevertheless, while on a plane, it just started happening--the title and an outline flowed through me into my journal, and I knew it had to take priority over other projects of mine. And then when I started to really think about it, I felt further inspired by knowing what a need there is out there for women to feel better about themselves and their bodies and improve their relationship with food. I guess you could say I was inspired by how most mainstream media has brainwashed, shamed, and pressured women into thinking they’re not good enough and always need to be trying to improve themselves in ways to fit some sort of societal standard of happiness, healthiness, and sexiness. It’s disgusting, really, and leads to so much suffering and unhealthiness.  I wanted to help liberate women to experience more pleasure and enjoyment in themselves, and in life, regardless of what they look like-- while also teaching them to love what they see when they look in the mirror.

2. How did you become interested in the topics covered in The Multi-Orgasmic Diet?
The topics of diet and body image were front and center for me at an early age. As a child, I was overweight,  and as a teenager, although I had lost weight, I had significant injuries and scarring from a highly traumatic, nearly fatal car accident. So I also became interested in healing, and alternative methods of physical and emotional healing, in 1996, when I was just 16. Spirituality also began taking center stage as part of my car accident recovery process, but even as a little girl, I was interested in the occult and spiritual side of things. In my mid-twenties, I went through a divorce, and that’s where the self-love and heart-opening qigong practices came in. It was through Sheng Zhen (a system of heart-opening energy cultivation practices), that I realized just how unhappy I had been for years. I realized that I wasn’t really enjoying life or living life to the fullest. The practice dramatically changed my life, and on my first day of experiencing it, I knew I’d be teaching it some day. I knew I’d found my calling. But something was still missing, and a few years later, I realized some sexual healing was in order. Although I’d never been molested or raped, I experienced some traumatic catheterizations while in the hospital as a teenager. I started seeing how the catheterizations, as well as the circumstances of how the car accident happened, were affecting my relationships—with others, with myself, and with my sexuality. Another couple of years passed before really diving in though. A friend of mine was training as a sexological bodyworker and offered to trade some sessions with me. And around the same time was when I first heard about Shakti Malan and her Awakening Feminine Sexual Essence course, which later led me to taking her year-long training to become a Sexual Awakening for Women Facilitator.

3. Have any future projects in store?
Yes! But I like to keep those top secret at first--like how some women don’t announce pregnancy until after the first term. All I can say right now is that more books are asking to be birthed. A couple of them are memoir, or will be fiction based on true stories. And a couple of them will be more in the realm of self-help and self-love. As for projects related to The Multi-Orgasmic Diet? A workbook and/or audio book, workshops, and retreats are in store (if they haven’t already happened before this interview).

Bio Talking Points
You can download my bio talking points here.

Sample Interview Questions
You may also download a Q&A that includes a sampling of answered questions.

  • What is the Multi-Orgasmic Diet?

  • Why do you call it a diet if it’s really more of a lifestyle plan?

  • How do you define multi-orgasmic?

  • Who is your book for?

  • Why do women need the Multi-Orgasmic Diet in today’s world?

  • Why do you call it “multi-orgasmic” if you’re not teaching orgasm techniques?

  • Why does a woman looking for a diet book need your book?

  • Why does a woman who wants to lose weight need The Multi-Orgasmic Diet?

  • Why does a woman who is not trying to lose weight need The Multi-Orgasmic Diet?

  • How did you get interested in the topics covered in The Multi-Orgasmic Diet? What does your own multi-orgasmic life look like?

  • Once you finish reading The Multi-Orgasmic Diet, how do you go about creating a sustainable “diet” plan?

  • What struggles did you face that made you want to help other women in this way?

  • What struggles did you face in implementing your own Multi-Orgasmic Diet--what advice do you have for women to help them avoid the possible struggles they might face by following the advice and practices in your book?

  • What role has your work and training played in developing the Multi-Orgasmic Diet?

  • You say most diets are unsustainable. How is yours different?

  • You say you are anti-diet. Why write a diet book?

  • Why do you think it is important for women to “ditch the scales and the measuring tape”?

  • Why do you think it is important for women to learn about vital life-force energy and how to cultivate their sexual energy? Can you explain more about that?

  • What do sexual energy and sensuality have to do with making healthier dietary choices?

  • How do you “live turned on”?

  • What do you mean by “experience the joy of sex, with or without sex?”

  • What would you tell women who have sexual trauma or feel sexually shut down? Can your book help them?

Social Media

Facebook: @TheMODbook
Facebook: @RebeccaClioGould
Instagram: @rebecca.clio.gould
Twitter: @RebeccaCGould
Google+: +rebeccacliogould