Now available In print and on Kindle, Apple Books, Nook, and Kobo!
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Detox Your Life is a holistic approach to detoxing and decluttering your life. In this book, you’ll be guided through a variety of simple processes and techniques to help you lighten up and let go of that which no longer serves you.
While most traditional detoxes focus primarily on diet, this book goes beyond that to also clean up your thoughts, home, relationships, and your energy field. Although changing our diets can change our lives, it’s also important to consciously explore how to detox these other aspects of life for optimal wellbeing and sustainable results.
Detox Your Life will help you:
Learn safe and effective detox methods for more energy and better health
Recognize and transform toxic thought patterns and relationship dynamics so that you can feel your best
Move through feeling stuck or weighed down by ditching material and non-material clutter
Develop healthy boundaries and stop saying yes when you’re really a no
Experience a sense of lightness and freedom like never before
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